Recent content by bwalke1

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    1. bwalke1

      WTB: looking for an AR15 556 bolt carrier group and charging handle.

      looking for a well used AR15 556 bolt carrier group and charging handle. Can be completely worn out but functionable enough to be used in a demo/instruction gun. My department wants me to put together a nonfiring demo AR to be used in the classroom. I have all the parts except a bolt carrier...
    2. bwalke1

      WTB: AR 15 detachable carry handle

      looking for AR 15 detachable carry handle, send text to 225-572-5891
    3. bwalke1

      WTS: Clark 460 Rowland

    4. bwalke1

      WTS: Clark 460 Rowland

      price drop to $2000
    5. bwalke1

      WTS: Clark 460 Rowland

      Merry Christmas to you! bump
    6. bwalke1

      WTS: Clark 460 Rowland

      September bump
    7. bwalke1

      WTS: Clark 460 Rowland

      Life for this pistol started out as a NIB ($900) Auto Ordnance 45ACP. Unfired I shipped it to Clark Customs Guns and had the following work done. I have over $3400 invested in this pistol (receipts for everything). It has not been fired. I will sell for $2500 and throw in 1000 new unfired 460...
    8. bwalke1


    9. bwalke1

      Seized by Customs

      Interesting , thanks for the feedback.
    10. bwalke1

      Seized by Customs

      no problem , and i think you may have something there about the importing from Russia thing.
    11. bwalke1

      Seized by Customs

      i already have several legally obtained suppressors . i can buy all the suppressors i want . i bought this item from Russia to go on a KP 9 Russian Vityaz made in the USA and thought the original muzzle break would go well with it . This item is not meant to be used as a suppressor or converted...
    12. bwalke1

      Seized by Customs i ordered (from Russia) and paid for a Delta-tek flash hider and was informed by letter that it has been seized by Customs because they say it is a suppressor . The...
    13. bwalke1

      Get vaccinated

      fully vaccinated Colin Powell dies from Covid ;
    14. bwalke1

      LDWF License Now On LA Wallet

      thanks for the tip ; loaded mine , took less that a minute.
    15. bwalke1

      Best place to get MRE’s?
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