The Best online firearms community in Louisiana.

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    We are a Louisiana Based firearm discussion board for anyone who is a fan of the shooting sports. We are happy to have you here.

    Here are some of our guidelines:

    Our forums are for any and all subject matter that is relevant to shooting sports or their respective subject matters. Please be respectful of people's opinions, even if they differ from your own.

    As this is our "home" and we would want you to treat others as you would like them to treat you.

    With this being said, Any direct or indirect acts of disrespect towards owners, admins, moderators, or any other members will not be tolerated. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, age, race, sex, religion or political affiliations. Violations of these tenets will be handled as we see fit. does not endorse, condone or want any affiliation with those that advocate or break any State or Federal laws Any posts made, are the opinions of the the individual poster themselves and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Owners of

    Each forum is moderated by our trusted staff. Some of them are relaxed while others are watching very closely for trouble. If violations occur there may be no warnings given and you may be censored and or banned based at the discretion of the moderators

    Companies, Corporations or Individuals may not conduct business on this board openly or privately without permission. Our classifieds are for private individuals to sell their privately owned items. If you wish to conduct business, please contact the Admins or Owners and they will get you set up and with an account.

    This is a privately owned, commercially operated website. As such, you have no freedom of speech nor any other Constitutionally protected rights. We do not charge for the use of this board; any membership upgrades you give are donations and will not result in any preferential treatment.

    Your usage of the forums or its features is your acknowledgment of these guidelines.

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