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    1. B

      WTS: WTS: SOF Tq and Carrier $40.00

      New In package SOF Tourniquet and Phlster FlatPack $40.00 cash (first person gets it and all communication will be handled using PM on BayouShooter unless you already have my number) FTF: Houma, Thibodaux, Raceland, Boutte and Kenner. I’m available on most weekdays after 4pm and weekends before...
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      WTS: WTS: J-Frame City Special

      WTS: (New never used this was a spare for the exact one I carry) J-Frame City Special setup with soft loop and strut (people swap clips and whatnot all the time so that’s why you may see different pictures online). $50.00 cash (first person gets it and all communication will be handled using PM...
    3. B

      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      Right now a j-frame in a simple Blackhawk pocket holster and my regular jeans front pocket is work perfectly (will definitely try some other options down the line). However I’m not sure a semiauto would work as well for “me”.
    4. B

      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      Well I will admit I was wrong about pocket carry it definitely falls in the category of “don’t knock it until you try it”.
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      SOLD: Sold

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      Weight loss and general health.

      Will definitely read up on it. Thanks
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      Weight loss and general health.

      Thanks for the info.
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      I’ve been testing pocket carry using a cheap no name brand pocket holster and I’m impressed with how well pocket carry works “so far”.
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      Weight loss and general health.

      I’m very interested in learning more about calisthenics, I’m generally a minimalist so that’s probably why it interests me so much. Definitely gonna watch some videos and order a book or two on the subject. What do you generally think about calisthenics vs weight/equipment based exercises?
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      I was sad when I found out BFG discontinued the pocket holster they looked really nice.
    11. B

      Weight loss and general health.

      A few people have asked what my diet has been so I’ll share it, I honestly don’t know anything about nutrition but this has worked for me and fortunately I can eat the same thing everyday. Breakfast: I toast 2 slices wheat bread and fry 2 eggs in a little butter no seasoning and make a...
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      Weight loss and general health.

      So I’m currently down 110lbs and pretty sure I’m starting to finally plateau with my current diet. I’ve been doing 1 cheat meal a month so I’ll probably bump it up to 2 cheat meals a month because I’m technically about 15lbs below my target weight. Still not doing any exercise, no muscle loss at...
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      So I’ve never been a fan of Pocket Carry but I’m starting to see some times it could be beneficial to me. I doubt I’d ever pocket carry full time but I’m curious what others think about it?
    14. B

      New Bayou Shooter scam?

      As for people flaking, lowballing and asking for conditions that are clearly covered in the original post it’s gotten a lot worse on BS lately. So I have changed my dealings in a couple ways. 1) Everything is handled using PMs (no text/calls) unless you already have my number many members do...
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      J-Frame vs LCR

      I did look at the LCR again and I can confidently say it’s not for me, but I see why some people like it. I did look at the SP101 at one time and think the lack of IWB kydex holster availability was the only reason I avoided it at that time but I need to look at it again. For now the best...
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      Glock 19 Gen 5 Lasering

      Man that’s some super clean work!
    17. B

      Weight loss and general health.

      Currently down 105lbs since March this year, feel really good. Anyone struggling to lose weight just keep at it I’ve done tons of diets, exercise and fasting before finding what works for “me”. If you don’t get results change things up and try again just whatever you do “don’t give up”.
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      Jury Finds Sig Liable.

      There was a guy at the old Shooters Club on David Dr years ago that would do the same thing, lol he would literally chunk his glock across the store anytime someone questioned if they were safe.
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      Gun shop in abita springs?

      Yes that’s them another member texted me the info earlier and I forwarded it to my friend. These guys were amazing to deal with and I’m glad they are still around (heck even closer now). Thanks
    20. B

      Gun shop in abita springs?

      Thanks, Not sure why but I thought he was into weapon mounted IR lasers.
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