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    1. cjt0311

      WTS: Custom AR22 *updated*

    2. cjt0311

      22LR Match Fusilier Complex Sept 21

      Awww man, sadly gonna miss this one. Same day as the SE regional finale for PRS22. Keith always puts on an excellent match
    3. cjt0311

      WTS: Custom AR22 *updated*

    4. cjt0311

      WTS: Magpul PRS g3 stock

    5. cjt0311

      WTS: Custom AR22 *updated*

    6. cjt0311

      SOLD: Universal Arca rail

    7. cjt0311

      WTS: Magpul PRS g3 stock

    8. cjt0311

      SOLD: Universal Arca rail

      Area 419 12” Arcalock Universal Barricade Rail Kit NIB/Unopened $215 Baton Rouge
    9. cjt0311

      22 LR

      alot of it is going to depend on your use. for accurate general plinking (or even cheap training) CCI - Standard Velocity is going to be your ticket. $6? for a box of 50 and tons of boxes in stock at Cabelas/walmart even i like the CCI green tag (competition) but i also shoot competitions so...
    10. cjt0311

      WTS: Magpul PRS g3 stock

      Magpul PRS stock (gen3) Black Perfect condition LNIB (Comes with both rifle and carbine spacer adapters. $200 pickup in Gonzales/BR area Or can ship USPS priority for +$15
    11. cjt0311

      SOLD: Arken 34mm/20MOA cantilever mount

      selling my Arken Rigid Precision (cantilever) mount. In GREAT condition, spent most of the time in a bag - been to the range 3 times with it mounted :/ 34mm/20MOA cant was on my AR22 but dont have time to shoot it. so parting out. $50 Baton Rouge / Gonzales
    12. cjt0311

      Palo Alto Rimfire Precision August Match

      anyone can join in the fun. tho using the range for other guns before or after the match would be a perk of members. however the gate is open on match day to allow the public to come for the match as we have people coming from all over. On the practice day 12-2 on the 2nd saturday the gate is...
    13. cjt0311

      WTB: beretta model 71

      Looking to buy a Beretta model 71 located in baton rouge, but willing to travel within the state for F2F deal.
    14. cjt0311

      Palo Alto Rimfire Precision August Match

      August 25th Palo Alto 1393 Highway 943 North Donaldsonville, LA 70346 Match Times Check in starts at 7:30am Zero Range opens once all targets are setup Safety meeting at 8:45am Match starts at 9:00am $20 per shooter (there is a sign up for match on practscore, search "Palo Alto" and its the...
    15. cjt0311

      WTS: Savior 55” case

      bump - $60 baton rouge pick up
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