My all-time favorite elephant joke! The first time I heard it, the mental picture of a flaming duck running around being chased by a stomping elephant sent me into a very lengthy fit of laughter.
After Hurricane Francine, the local animal shelter announced that it was overflowing with new arrivals.
That was to be expected.
It was raining cats and dogs.
Everything in the house except the air conditioning runs off of the generator. I couldn't afford a whole house unit, so it's a portable.
The generator is connected to a feed box wired into the breaker box with a manual lockout switch (you can't have both the generator and the utility supply on...
I want to rig up something that will detect when the power has been restored to my house from the utility company. I'm thinking it should be some sort of inductive pick-up with a wireless transmission inside my breaker box that can be monitored in the house.
I've seen "energy usage monitors"...
They are playing with the original statewide pre-emption law which contained a grandfather clause for local laws passed before that pre-emption went into effect.
The new pre-emption law takes effect August 1 this year and will eliminate the grandfathering, thereby creating the time gap.
Must be back up now, at least partially. My wife's car was stuck until this afternoon waiting for a part that simply couldn't be found without the computer.
Doesn't anybody keep one old guy on staff that still knows where everything is?
I was greatly saddened on this D-Day anniversary to hear a 26-year-old co-worker complain, "Why is everyone making a big deal out of this? No one even cares about it anymore."
I sincerely hope she is wrong.
I remember the Easter Sunday collision (I was a child). The flames warped the bridge. I had nightmares about crossing the bridge only to have it end mid-span.
As to Port of New Orleans getting more traffic, it would likely be minimal. We're not a big containized cargo port. More likely the...
The thing is that you don't have to prove that point. By posting the sign, the property owner is assuming liability for your protection, no matter how competent (or incompetent) you are.
SB 194 would bring about true statewide pre-emption. As to wanting to declare large areas as gun-free zones, why can't they see that ALL of the worst mass shooting events happen in gun-free zones.
One other thing worth mentioning....
When you're dealing with a jihadist mentality, especially when there is some huge attack of some kind, look to Islamic history. They very much like to "reclaim" dates on which things did not go well for them in the past. October 7, the day of the Gaza...
Without trying to stir up the "in" or "at" a parade debate, let me say that there are NO parades on Bourbon Street. There are a few that parade in other parts of the Quarter.
It's possible that the clause referring to an event for which a permit is needed was invoked. If such a permit was...
You don't have to be a dumb coonass to not understand the troubles in the area now called Palestine or Israel. The best geo-political minds of the last century haven't been able to fix it.
The root of the problem is what Real Estate agents always say, "Location, location, location."
That area...