Yeah, because what better way to solve accountability problems than to pass the enforcement onto the government. People with opinions like this deserve to live in Australia or the UK, they do not deserve the US constitution.
I'm certainly no expert on political finance, but I figured it's more of a lobby issue. I didn't really consider the tax hit, I guess because I assumed that vapes carried the same tax.
They started the signature require around that time, but I *might* have signed for one package. The age verification was also implemented around this time. Have not had any issues until now.
You don't see them on the news, because they don't fit the narrative that the news wants to push. All you have to do is get on social media and you'll see probably hundreds of videos of the usual suspects with Glock switches, waving them around for the world to see, or even having shootouts with...
I appreciate the plug, I'll give it a shot.
I have been using White Horse for the past year or so. The last time I ordered, the raz and the geekbar 9000(?) were like $12 or $13, shipped free over $29. Your site seems to be a slight increase in price, but one can not complain, given the situation.
I'm not the only one, obviously. Perez just so happens to have the hookup, for now. They will follow suit. This is a very recent change, apparently, most, but not all, sites have already followed orders given in order to protect their business. There are always some stragglers or rebels in these...
Studies that were published by tobacco owned "scientists" or "doctors"
I'm not saying that vaping is healthy, but there is more propaganda against it than truth.
They are much more readily available to these people than they are to the law abiding person. Nothing would change, except our access to these weapons, and a lot of people would lose a lot of $ on the value of their collections.
Already pondering this option, although I believe it would be a bit of a pain in the ass since it seems as though the billing address has to be in those states, from what I can tell.
Quite a few falsehoods here. There are some vape products that are owned by big tobacco, and they are the ones that are FDA approved, so you can still buy them, but they suck.
Jewel was the first big vape brand, helped many people quit tobacco, big tobacco did a 187 on them in order to kill...
100% not true. I've been ordering mine online for years. I ordered about a month ago, and a friend as recent as 2 weeks ago. You can no longer have them shipped to Louisiana. The sites will not even accept payment from a Louisiana billing address.