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      NLFS: Thanks

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      Long time Member involved in terrible car accident

      Man so sad, Prayers sent to all involved.
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      NLFS: Thanks

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      Prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Helene

      Man these storms are exhausting to say the least. Prayers sent that everyone is safe and can recover quick as possible.
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      I Hate Pumpkin Spice

      My wife had a pumpkin spice coffee the other day and it’s a smell I don’t care for.
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      NLFS: NLFS

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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      That is a problem and one reason I wouldn’t pocket carry 100% of the time however I’m also thinking a fixed blade on the belt is an option. I do carry a Swiss army classic on the keychain to open packages and whatnot. As much as pocket carry is growing on me I still carry in a IWB holster 85%...
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      NLFS: NLFS

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      NLFS: NLFS

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      NLFS: NLFS

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      SOLD: Sold

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      SOLD: J-Frame City Special

      (SOLD) J-Frame City Special
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      Right now a j-frame in a simple Blackhawk pocket holster and my regular jeans front pocket is work perfectly (will definitely try some other options down the line). However I’m not sure a semiauto would work as well for “me”.
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      Well I will admit I was wrong about pocket carry it definitely falls in the category of “don’t knock it until you try it”.
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      SOLD: Sold

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      Weight loss and general health.

      Will definitely read up on it. Thanks
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      Weight loss and general health.

      Thanks for the info.
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      Pocket Carry J-Frame?

      I’ve been testing pocket carry using a cheap no name brand pocket holster and I’m impressed with how well pocket carry works “so far”.
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      Weight loss and general health.

      I’m very interested in learning more about calisthenics, I’m generally a minimalist so that’s probably why it interests me so much. Definitely gonna watch some videos and order a book or two on the subject. What do you generally think about calisthenics vs weight/equipment based exercises?
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