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    1. GunRelated

      Is there a deadbeat thread?

      They both the same thing now days, right?
    2. GunRelated

      Light preferences

      The TLR series is really hard to beat for the money. Never had any problems with mine. Surefire is nice, but you will pay more than double for it vs streamlight.
    3. GunRelated

      Light preferences

      Streamlight makes great weapon lights for the $, especially their pistol lights. Their rifle lights are nice too, but they are a bit bulkier than the more expensive options. If you want something more fancy, surefire is hard to beat. There are a decent amount of options for scout lights these...
    4. GunRelated

      Lancer ar-15 mags $100 for 10

      Snagged me a 10pk. Thanks [emoji1689]
    5. GunRelated

      Freedom munitions ammo specifically 223 good or bad??

      Just bought 1k Winchester 5.56 from ar15discounts for 45¢/rd
    6. GunRelated

      Red Beans & Rice and Other Cast Iron Cooking

      I cook all my beans the same, basically. Clean beans and put in a bowl of water to soak for at least an hour Put 2 good hocks in stock pot with 1 onion quater'd, couple stalks of celery quarter'd, half bell pepper, add water to cover hocks. Lightly season if you want. Bring to boil and let...
    7. GunRelated

      Apocalypse Sports

      Walker Pawn calls me as soon as it comes in and it gets logged. If my item is delivered at 1:00, I can be there for 1:30 and walk out with it at 1:35, for $20. I do want to check out Apocalypse, been waiting for them to open the new place, but Walker Pawn will continue to get my business for...
    8. GunRelated

      A Whole Lotta Terrorist Weiners Blown Off Today

      I bet they offered them on credit too, with a 35% interest rate. Of course, they waited to execute the plan until they were all paid up. The sand people are working on a retaliation plan as we speak.
    9. GunRelated

      A Whole Lotta Terrorist Weiners Blown Off Today

      I certainly wouldn't call it unprovoked, but that horse has been beaten like a US warship in the Mediterranean.
    10. GunRelated

      A Whole Lotta Terrorist Weiners Blown Off Today

      I'm sure all the innocent that were killed / maimed deserved it.
    11. GunRelated

      Music you're listening to now!

      A show of mastery
    12. GunRelated

      Music you're listening to now!

      God bless you. I'd be lost without the ability to enjoy music and gunfire.
    13. GunRelated

      Music you're listening to now!

      One of my favorites right now. Starts out slow and low, then progresses to excellence.
    14. GunRelated

      Which of you alcoholics is this?

      I wonder if it's one of the typical, hypocritical alcoholics, or if he's a down right party animal.
    15. GunRelated

      Alright, now I'm pissed

      It appears that they have updated their list to include LA. I just made an order with Perez's plug, we'll see how it goes.
    16. GunRelated

      Georgia High School Shooting 4 Sept 2024

      Yeah, because what better way to solve accountability problems than to pass the enforcement onto the government. People with opinions like this deserve to live in Australia or the UK, they do not deserve the US constitution.
    17. GunRelated

      Alright, now I'm pissed

      I'm certainly no expert on political finance, but I figured it's more of a lobby issue. I didn't really consider the tax hit, I guess because I assumed that vapes carried the same tax.
    18. GunRelated

      Alright, now I'm pissed

      I missed it ETA ... Ah, I'm a little slow at times
    19. GunRelated

      Alright, now I'm pissed

      They started the signature require around that time, but I *might* have signed for one package. The age verification was also implemented around this time. Have not had any issues until now.
    20. GunRelated

      Alright, now I'm pissed

      Beat me to it
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