Alright, now I'm pissed

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  • geeck

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    Nov 25, 2008
    SE Louisiana
    So I guess by your comment you feel anyone should be able to walk into a gun shop today and purchase a MG?

    And you are cool selling your Glock 17 out of a car window to anybody with $400 cash, like ordering a happy meal?
    I would hope a responsible gun owner would exercise more sense than to sell to just anybody.... but gang bangers do it every day. we shouldn't limit the law abiding


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    Oct 14, 2020
    Harvey Louisiana
    I was not addressing you, but you always feel the need to add your two cents in. We have had a run in before, and clearly reading your last two comments, you are being abrasive and insulting. Why am I not surprised one bit?
    Pointing out the obvious is abrasive and insulting to you? I can see how maybe you would think that from the very last thing I said but other than that in no way was I trying to be either of the two. Freedom is scary sometimes. I’m not sure what else to say about it.
    Last edited:


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    Oct 14, 2020
    Harvey Louisiana
    I've seen you pull the same behavior with others here too. Combative. Better to just ignore you.
    Typical leftist behavior. If you don’t like someone’s opinion or argument they bring to combat what you said just ignore them right? Real classy of you might I say. Isn’t this a forum for open discussion? Do you just ignore everyone you don’t agree with?


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    Sep 14, 2010
    New Orleans area
    I think it goes without saying that I hold a bit of disdain for authority, and while that may seem irrational to a lot of people, it is not without reason.

    First they took away the vapes in local stores. Not a huge deal, who wants to pay $30 for a disposable vape anyway?
    Well, they took away the ability to order vapes online and have them shipped to Louisiana.

    I have so many words I could use right now to describe my feelings, I would probably break the censor trigger on the site.
    And the thing is this, I can make my own, I could quit, it is what it is on that front, yeah, it sucks, but whatever. What pisses me off is some fa**ot wearing a suit, who is taking money from tobacco companies, is now giving me a big **** you, in order to keep raking in that tobacco money. **** these mother *******.

    We can buy all the tobacco we want, consume it in lethal quantities if we wanted, but heaven forbid we use an alternative to tobacco. Nonono. C*cksuckers
    It's cutting into their precious tobacco tax; the irony is they're on a campaign to eliminate smoking, while relying on it (and video poker) to finance their spending habits.
    It's like electric vehicles cheating them out of fuel tax, while causing disproportionately high wear to the roads. But, that's OK because electric vehicles and smoking cessation are stylish!


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    It's cutting into their precious tobacco tax; the irony is they're on a campaign to eliminate smoking, while relying on it (and video poker) to finance their spending habits.
    It's like electric vehicles cheating them out of fuel tax, while causing disproportionately high wear to the roads. But, that's OK because electric vehicles and smoking cessation are stylish!
    I'm certainly no expert on political finance, but I figured it's more of a lobby issue. I didn't really consider the tax hit, I guess because I assumed that vapes carried the same tax.


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    Jan 20, 2014
    Covington, LA
    100% not true. I've been ordering mine online for years. I ordered about a month ago, and a friend as recent as 2 weeks ago. You can no longer have them shipped to Louisiana. The sites will not even accept payment from a Louisiana billing address.
    The part about them not shipping to LA is not all true. I've been vaping for almost 10 years. I quit smoking 9 years ago thanks to vaping.
    The laws have been quite confusing and convoluted. I still buy my juice from a local company in N.O. and also from a couple of places on the north shore. Vape shops are still operating everywhere. They're still selling juice and hardware. I can also order juice and hardware from a couple of out-of-state websellers that ship to me via USPS. They charge a couple extra bucks for an "adult signature" delivery requirement. For how long? I don't know.
    The biggest pisser was a couple years ago when our LA govt put a 15 cents/milliliter tax on juice containing nicotine. Buy a 120ml bottle of juice--that's $18 tax! Forkin Iceholes!
    I could share more info--not enough time. What's for certain is the legal part of it all is still very much "in flux".
    If you're a vaper, join CASAA.


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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    Give a try. I browsed the site and it doesn’t mention anything about shipping restrictions to LA
    It appears that they have updated their list to include LA. I just made an order with Perez's plug, we'll see how it goes.

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