Are you ready for SHTF?

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    Get'n Duffy!
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    May 27, 2007
    Good morning!

    There is biblical prophecy interpretation that isolated Oct 9 at the day the US gets nuked off of the face of the Earth, DOJ says there are at least 5 assassination squads hunting Trump (did I catch that right?), there are some "my buddy heard" buzzes of terrorist cells about to go active at mass public events somewhere between this weekend and next, there are port strikes kicking off, still 600+ people missing from the hurricane, US is engaging in Middle East assaults and possibly against Iran very soon, Russia is going to get vengeance on the US over Ukraine, if we keep pushing....

    So, are you ready?

    I'm not.

    What's your supply essentials list, and what is your insurgent plan?

    Have you talked to a neighbor?

    Just curious...

    Good luck!

    You can take the clothes you have on and what you can carry that wont slow you down for 3 miles, on foot, at a rapid walking pace, and you have to GFTOOD now or you're going to die. You have 3 minutes to get yourself, and whoever else, out and moving.

    What are you taking?

    They have struck the water supplies, the power grid and cell towers, and they dropped magnetic Israeli pagers on HAZMAT rail cars all across the country and set them off simultaneously. You have to get away from the coming gas clouds.
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    Get'n Duffy!
    Rating - 100%
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    May 27, 2007
    I'm ready and if I run out of food, I will eat my neighbors.
    Your skin is actively melting on your body, you are going to die. It has been 17 minutes since you heard the explosion in the distance, and you will not have an opportunity to eat your neighbors. They ran away 15 minutes ago.


    Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2020
    Harvey Louisiana
    Your skin is actively melting on your body, you are going to die. It has been 17 minutes since you heard the explosion in the distance, and you will not have an opportunity to eat your neighbors. They ran away 15 minutes ago.
    If it’s that bad we’re all going to die anyway. I’ll gather my family close together and start praying.


    Get'n Duffy!
    Rating - 100%
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    May 27, 2007
    If it’s that bad we’re all going to die anyway. I’ll gather my family close together and start praying.
    but you don't know what it is.... you just hear explosions, sirens, and see weird and nasty clouds coming your way...gonna stay to find out?

    Did you see the fire in Georgia after the hurricane?

    Look at a pipeline map, million and 10 places to hit for gasses & not to mention what can be done to piped water....

    We cant just give up and sit still! The kids wont do it...and boy will the wife be pissed!
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