Avoid New Orleans at all costs this Tuesday.

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  • Barry J

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    Dec 5, 2011
    New Orleans at dusk is like being in a Vampire movie. You are running to get home before the sunsets and lock up before the vampires come out.
    I can attest to this. I worked the French Quarter after Katrina. At dusk, the freaks came out. It's like they would melt if they were exposed to the sun, or the Son.


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    Nov 23, 2013
    Hammond, LA
    People in New Orleans are even unsafe around the Anti-Gun NOPD Chief. She did a good job of demonstrating that "Gun-Free zones" are unsafe.
    I bet a lot of you didn't know this. Kirkpatrick is earning 350k annually. Way more than the lead cheater (mayor). They keep her salary on the down low.

    copied from wwl tv article, dated July 2023: article
    NEW ORLEANS — Whoever is the next leader of the New Orleans Police Department will earn around $100,000 more than any chief in NOPD history.
    The current administration recently passed an ordinance bumping up the NOPD superintendent’s base pay range to between $274,000 and $360,000.
    For comparison, former Chief Shaun Ferguson made $184,000. Before him, former superintendent Michael Harrison was making about $179,000. Before Harrison, Ronald Serpas earned about the same, at $180,000.


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    Oct 14, 2020
    Harvey Louisiana
    If we could only move the WW II museum somewhere nice. And maybe the aquarium.
    Anything else?
    The zoo, most of the restaurants, superdome and smoothie king center.

    Better yet just move the trash out. Prosecute criminals and keep them locked up. Makeover the entire police department, raise highering standards, and pay them a good salary. Use tax payers money to go into the school systems and community and not a politicians pocket.


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    Oct 14, 2008
    st. amant
    The zoo, most of the restaurants, superdome and smoothie king center.

    Better yet just move the trash out. Prosecute criminals and keep them locked up. Makeover the entire police department, raise highering standards, and pay them a good salary. Use tax payers money to go into the school systems and community and not a politicians pocket.
    Man, when you dream, you dream BIG!


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    Nov 23, 2013
    Hammond, LA
    Man, when you dream, you dream BIG!
    NOLA is too far gone to ever be salvaged, will only get worse going forward, imo. Even many in local government are corrupt, just like their queen. NOPSI is rife with corruption. Look at the demographics; once it became Nagan's chocolate city as he referred to years ago, it was a done deal. Same with any large US city with similar demographics. BR, Baltimore, Houston, Little Rock, Detroit, DC, St Louis, Memphis, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Oakland, and more. Truth.

    Bolt Head

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    Jun 12, 2023
    Probably can't coordinate himself enough to use a knife and fork, so the burger is "handy"... Also, i'm sure he dips his fingers in the ketchup while eating fries...
    Like people that dip their boiled crawfish tails in some type of condiment goop (often ketchup mixed with mayo). Dip their two or three fingertips in the goop along with the tail, then wrap their lips around the entire assembly.


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    Feb 14, 2010
    I once watched a female friend of mine, not gf material, load her fork using the opposing hands fingers. Not gf material for a reason. I guess her parents did not bother teaching her how to eat.


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    Jun 26, 2010
    He was meeting with and did a press conference with my cousin Dr. Quincy Brown so it was cool to see a family member with and speaking alongside the president like that but also highlighting the amazing work he has been doing in cancer research and technology which will help save many lives.


    Expert in the field of wife avoidance
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    May 9, 2011
    Baton Rouge, LA
    He was meeting with and did a press conference with my cousin Dr. Quincy Brown so it was cool to see a family member with and speaking alongside the president like that but also highlighting the amazing work he has been doing in cancer research and technology which will help save many lives.
    Thank you for posting, I am glad to hear something actually good and positive came out of this. I don't think he's all bad, just mostly bad...


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