Babyback Ribs and Homemade Bread

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  • Geauxfish

    Well-Known Member
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    Mar 18, 2013
    Baton Rouge
    Sunday supper…baby back ribs and homemade bread. Yea, I cheated and used a pellet grill but after 6 hours at about 210F, it was excellent. Old Smokey salted caramel whiskey for spritz for the first 3 hours.


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    Expert in the field of wife avoidance
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    May 9, 2011
    Baton Rouge, LA
    My only comment is that you, based on the photo, only cooked one rack. I never cook less than 3. Way too much work and time to not cook enough to feed your wife and kids, your mom, you wife's parents, and leave something for the next couple of days for your wife to bring to work for lunch because you work at home and she is always asking you what she is going to bring to eat for lunch that day as she leaves the house. So much stress. How does one make it day to day?

    Sorry, this went on longer than I intended... And yet I continue.

    Yes, they look great. And if you consider a pellet grill cheating, I use a NG Weber with pellets in a smoke box for cooking and a rib roasting pan covered in foil and filled with beer instead of foil alone for the simmering phase. I tried other ways over the years, and my wife literally said "Why did you change what you were doing? They were great. Don't keep trying to make them better, you are just screwing this up. Go back to what you used to do." So I did.

    And for once I admit to all, I am quite honestly the person least capable of "wife avoidance" in the history of humanity. But, I am occasionally good at sarcasm.


    Well-Known Member
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    Mar 18, 2013
    Baton Rouge
    "Why did you change what you were doing? They were great. Don't keep trying to make them better, you are just screwing this up. Go back to what you used to do." So I did.
    I think that it’s funny you said that since it’s almost the same I heard from my family as I was seeking to improve. So now, I’ve settled on this method.

    I will say that I liked them better when I used a Kamado style lump charcoal grill but the convenience factor has me sold on the pellet grill for the time being.

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