Oh wow. Confirmed, huh? Multiple agencies? I wonder how many agencies were there?It was confirmed by multiple agencies that the shooter fired 8 shots.
At this point, I don’t trust the agency that was in charge enough to accept their confirmation. In fact, I don’t trust any government agency and I think anyone who does is very foolish.
I did see some isolated audio taken from video at the scene that doesn’t line up with the one shooter theory. Three controlled shots with a unique sound signature, followed by a more rapid succession of five shots sounding completely different.
I’m sorry, but I can’t buy the narrative guys. I hate to keep voicing my disbelief, but it’s just so difficult to swallow some of these points without also coming to the conclusion that the US Secret service has become completely incompetent. How embarrassing for the agency and our nation that a lone gunman waltzed around for hours under their noses at BB gun range, ran and crawled around on a rooftop right in front of their faces and was able to get off 8 shots at the one person they were “protecting” before they decided he was an actual threat.
I also don’t believe that jet fuel took out two sky scrapers and another building, I don’t believe that Jeffery Epstein killed himself. I don’t believe in Santa Clause, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy.