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  • T-Rigger

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    Apr 25, 2019
    Metairie, LA
    These concoctions may be old news to many on this site, but I just recently discovered/tried them and thought newer members may find them handy.

    Evapo-Rust Alternative also non-toxic, but not completely benign; wear hand & eye protection.
    I've been buying and using Evapo-Rust from Harbor Freight for years to soak rusty parts/tools/etc - it converts rust to what looks like a black oxide coating. It's reusable even after the solution turns black, although it takes longer soaking after each subsequent use- until it eventually is non-effective. Watch the video- the dude explains his understanding of the process. If you just want the formula, he gives a time stamp to skip forward. He gives 3 formulas using easily obtained materials -locally &/or internet. The formula I used follows:
    1 liter tap water/ 100 grams citric acid powder/ 40grams WASHING SODA / +/- tablespoon liq. dish soap There's another one using BAKING SODA.
    Dissolve/stir the citric acid in a deep container about 3 times the volume of water; stir in washing soda in small increments- it foams up big time, but a little less each addition. When reaction is complete, stir in dish soap to help it somewhat cling on vertical surfaces if brushed or sprayed. See E-R application instructions or watch the video. Allegedly, it works faster and longer than E-R. I can't confirm speed or longevity, But it has worked great for me.

    Ordered citric acid and washing soda from Amazon Prime. Ordering larger quantities reduces cost somewhat. Washing soda $5.38/55 oz (1560 gm) = $0.14/ea liter; citric acid $10.00/32 oz (907.2 gm) = $1.12/ liter; total = $1.26/liter .

    E-R Amazon $ 28.91 / 1 Gal (3.78 liters) = $ 7.65 / liter. Harbor Freight $ 29.99 / 1 gal

    Homemade Penetrating Oil
    Viewed another web site that compared this HM formula to several commercial products - including my old stand-by Kano Kroil. Forgot to copy the URL. Beat all of them hands down - I've mixed and used it with satisfactory results - no comparative experience.

    50/50 blend acetone / auto transmission fluid


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    Jun 1, 2009
    These concoctions may be old news to many on this site, but I just recently discovered/tried them and thought newer members may find them handy.

    Evapo-Rust Alternative also non-toxic, but not completely benign; wear hand & eye protection.
    I've been buying and using Evapo-Rust from Harbor Freight for years to soak rusty parts/tools/etc - it converts rust to what looks like a black oxide coating. It's reusable even after the solution turns black, although it takes longer soaking after each subsequent use- until it eventually is non-effective. Watch the video- the dude explains his understanding of the process. If you just want the formula, he gives a time stamp to skip forward. He gives 3 formulas using easily obtained materials -locally &/or internet. The formula I used follows:
    1 liter tap water/ 100 grams citric acid powder/ 40grams WASHING SODA / +/- tablespoon liq. dish soap There's another one using BAKING SODA.
    Dissolve/stir the citric acid in a deep container about 3 times the volume of water; stir in washing soda in small increments- it foams up big time, but a little less each addition. When reaction is complete, stir in dish soap to help it somewhat cling on vertical surfaces if brushed or sprayed. See E-R application instructions or watch the video. Allegedly, it works faster and longer than E-R. I can't confirm speed or longevity, But it has worked great for me.

    Ordered citric acid and washing soda from Amazon Prime. Ordering larger quantities reduces cost somewhat. Washing soda $5.38/55 oz (1560 gm) = $0.14/ea liter; citric acid $10.00/32 oz (907.2 gm) = $1.12/ liter; total = $1.26/liter .

    E-R Amazon $ 28.91 / 1 Gal (3.78 liters) = $ 7.65 / liter. Harbor Freight $ 29.99 / 1 gal

    Homemade Penetrating Oil
    Viewed another web site that compared this HM formula to several commercial products - including my old stand-by Kano Kroil. Forgot to copy the URL. Beat all of them hands down - I've mixed and used it with satisfactory results - no comparative experience.

    50/50 blend acetone / auto transmission fluid

    Great to know. Thanks!


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    Apr 12, 2012
    Kenner, La
    If you have just a few small parts look in your kitchen cabinet. Lemi-Shine for your dish washer is the same stuff citric acid. Hot water And Lemi-Shine work well. Or as stated Amazon for bulk. Its also sold as good grade for cooking. I have used it on gun parts, hardware and auto parts for years with great results.


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    Feb 20, 2013
    Baton Rouge, LA.
    When making the penetrating oil ...
    50 / 50 Acetone - ATF ... Do Not Use Synthetic ATF ...
    It will not mix with the Acetone ... use conventional , old school ATF and it will mix and stay mixed with the Acetone .
    This type was used in the testing ... Not Synthetic ATF ...

    Also use Conventional ATF when mixing Ed's Red Bore Solvent and Gun Cleaner ... Synthetic ATF will not mix and stay mixed with the other 3 ingredients .

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