It’s been too long.. a few redfish in Grand Isle

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  • Labeeman

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    Oct 11, 2010
    Baton Rouge
    Headed down to the island on Friday to continue some work on the camp and decided while I was there I may as well make a trip into the marsh to do some fishing.
    The job I needed to do was one that was not fun. An opening where a set of double doors was going to be installed was not tall enough so it had to be increased. There was an existing header comprised of three 2x6 nailed together that need to have about 1 1/2 inches removed from it so the door frame could fit. I had to build a temporary curtain on each side of the opening so sawdust and debris did not get all over the inside of the camp to dirty up all of the renovations we have done. I took some drop clothes and taped them to the ceilings and walls and then got after it. It wasn’t easy, but it’s fine so now we can move on. I did all of this on Friday afternoon and then settled in for some sleep so I could fish the next day. I looked at the solar lunar tables and tide tables and saw that water was not gonna be moving til around 8 or 9 so no need to get out at the crack of ridiculous. In a nut shell it wasn’t the greatest day fishing, but I did catch some fish and really enjoyed my time out there. I caught 4 trout ( 1 keeper) and 5 redfish. They have some new size limits for trout and reds so that factored in with my keeper totals. All of the reds were all small except the last one of the day. I had planned to get off the water at noon so as I was headed in I decided to try one spot I never fished and it payed off. I caught a 30 inch bruiser on some bait shrimp under a cork. I cast to an opening of a small ditch coming off a pond and it sat there and no nibble so as I moved it to start reeling it in the fish absolutely destroyed the shrimp. I think the movement triggered him and he wanted to make sure he would have some lunch for the day. I was an epic battle and both the fisherman and fish survived.
    The bee work has slowed somewhat so hopefully I can get in the woods and on the water and maybe put some meat in the freezer. I threw some pics in of my demo job and the last fish I caught. All you hard core construction guys and girls don’t laugh at my ryobi. That saw is well over 5 years old and still rolling like a freight train. I do take donations so if someone wants to upgrade some tools for me send them my way, I’ll pay the shipping.







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    Oct 11, 2010
    Baton Rouge
    That’s right, the ones between 12-16 are best. The bigger fish are just too hard to clean plus you have the blood line. Just like that fella sang a few months ago, an old soul livin in a new world. It ain’t 1973 no more.

    Gator 45/70

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    That’s right, the ones between 12-16 are best. The bigger fish are just too hard to clean plus you have the blood line. Just like that fella sang a few months ago, an old soul livin in a new world. It ain’t 1973 no more.
    You chase these? Pretty much in your backyard.


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    Oct 11, 2010
    Baton Rouge
    Not as much as I used too, but I’m trying to be more diligent in my fishing pursuits. I love to eat em, plus I love to catch em. Like most young boys, I cut my teeth on panfish and have so many good memories of watching a cork go below the surface.


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    Jan 17, 2024
    French Settlement
    Me and my great nephew ventured to Falgoust marina once more after my last ‘episode’ a couple weeks ago.

    This past Sunday the tide was very high but the reds were hungry, kept a 25”,24”and two 22”er reds. A few slot trout to boot. Water was nasty but weather was clearing up very nicely.
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