Jury Finds Sig Liable.

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  • JBP55

    La. CHP Instructor #409
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    Apr 15, 2008
    From Glock Talk.

    A federal jury has awarded a Georgia man $2.3 million in a product liability case against gunmaker Sig Sauer, after he was shot by his own gun without allegedly pulling the trigger. The case appears to mark the first time the New Hampshire-based firearms manufacturer has been found liable for a misfiring P320 pistol, a gun at the center of dozens of other lawsuits claiming it has a design flaw that leaves it susceptible to unintentionally firing.

    In this case, Robert Lang, who is described in court records as a lifelong gun enthusiast with “hundreds of hours behind the trigger,” sued Sig Sauer after he was shot in the thigh by his own P320 pistol in December 2018 while removing the gun from the holster.

    “Before he could even lift the gun off of his belt, the weapon discharged,” according to his complaint. “The boom of the weapon firing had both his wife and son screaming.”

    A jury found Sig Sauer was negligent for Lang’s injuries due to the design of the weapon, including that it lacked a trigger safety. Sig Sauer’s P320 pistol is one of the country’s most popular guns, with more than 2.5 million sold, according to court records.

    In a statement, Sig Sauer said that it would appeal the ruling.

    “Sig Sauer does not believe that the plaintiff has met his burden to prove the P320 model pistol was designed defectively or negligently as claimed,” the company said in a statement. “There are no facts on the record to support that Mr. Lang’s discharge claim was the result of anything other than his own negligent handling causing him to pull the trigger on the P320 pistol.”

    Since 2018, Sig Sauer has been sued dozens of times by civilians and members of law enforcement who claim the P320 has a design flaw that leaves it susceptible to unintentional shootings. Until this week’s verdict in Georgia, none of those cases had resulted in a finding of liability against the company. The company did settle two cases out of court, both involving members of law enforcement who were injured when their department-issued guns fired, causing leg injuries.

    “We were honored to represent Mr. Lang and are pleased that the jury saw the P320 for what it is: defective and dangerous,” said attorney Robert Zimmerman, who represented Lang in the Georgia case, and is involved in other lawsuits involving the P320. “We call upon Sig Sauer to redesign this pistol for the benefit of their law enforcement and private citizen customers, and look forward to the many more trials to continue to hold Sig Sauer accountable.”

    In 2017, a prominent online gun shop raised concerns about the P320’s risk of firing when dropped at certain angles, which helped prompt the company to launch a voluntary upgrade of the gun, including hardware changes to the trigger and striker. The company maintains that the gun is safe, including in its original design.

    That same year, the U.S. Army adopted a version of the P320 as its official sidearm in a deal valued at more than $500 million. The Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy followed suit in selecting the Sig Sauer pistol as its duty weapon. The military’s version of the gun, known as the M17 and M18, has an external safety.


    Madame Mayor's Fiefdom
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    Jul 27, 2008
    New Orleans, La.
    Glocks have the same 'design flaw', and there has even been a condition named 'Glock Knee'. Of course, it's all the fault of the person handling the firearm.

    Only Alec Baldwin's handgun goes off on it's own. All others require a pull of the trigger. Sometimes it's the booger hook, other times, a shirt tail captured in the holster.


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    Sep 15, 2020
    Baton Rouge
    Many people including LEO have complained about this gun and online personalities showed that the striker could be released by a hard tap on the back of the slide at 45 degrees. Sig eventually fixed the problem with some frankengun parts. Other wonder 9s with far more lifetime sales have not led to the same number of complaints (citing TV news piece).

    Let’s not forget the cross rifle. Remember when Nutnfancy broke the misfiring trigger story? Sig fixed that too once exposed by social media.

    You don’t buy sig products, you beta test them.


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 15, 2021
    Covington, Louisiana
    Glocks have the same 'design flaw', and there has even been a condition named 'Glock Knee'. Of course, it's all the fault of the person handling the firearm.

    Only Alec Baldwin's handgun goes off on it's own. All others require a pull of the trigger. Sometimes it's the booger hook, other times, a shirt tail captured in the holster.
    Oh do they. Please share this design flaw with us. This should be interesting.


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 15, 2021
    Covington, Louisiana
    Many people including LEO have complained about this gun and online personalities showed that the striker could be released by a hard tap on the back of the slide at 45 degrees. Sig eventually fixed the problem with some frankengun parts. Other wonder 9s with far more lifetime sales have not led to the same number of complaints (citing TV news piece).

    Let’s not forget the cross rifle. Remember when Nutnfancy broke the misfiring trigger story? Sig fixed that too once exposed by social media.

    You don’t buy sig products, you beta test them.
    Except their legacy series, pre striker fired, are amazing. One of my fav gun series fo all time 220/226/229.

    That last line is hilarious.


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    Nov 23, 2013
    Hammond, LA
    Yeah, I never heard or read of a Glock firing on its own, or rather without a trigger pull. And there are millions of Glocks out there. The Glock action isn't even fully cocked until you actually pull the trigger. Why you cannot make a Glock trigger just like a worked 1911. Break like a glass rod, with zero take up.

    Read of some ADs in LE over the years while drawing the pistol from a holster, but it had to be a trigger pull involved.


    Madame Mayor's Fiefdom
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    Jul 27, 2008
    New Orleans, La.
    Oh do they. Please share this design flaw with us. This should be interesting.
    I suppose you didn't notice the quotation marks in my comment. The only design flaw either pistol has is the human behind it. Humans are flawed by nature. Neither pistol will go off on it's own.
    Some people should only carry firearms with manual safeties.


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    Apr 5, 2010
    Kingwood, Tx
    What’s next? Will sig be forced to buy back and discontinue the line? If this was an airbag, brakes, food etc that could cause serious injury or death the product would be recalled without being found guilty in court. This was a hit job to set precedent on not only sig but every gun and accessory company in the industry. This isn’t about saving lives it’s about bankrupting the whole industry. Death by 1000 cuts.


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    May 25, 2023
    What happened to that magical immunity the anti-gun crowd keeps crying about?
    Immunity for crimes commited by thier customers.sure. Immunity for making a truly defective product should not be included.
    This is my opinion and has nothing to do with the current reality.


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    Apr 5, 2010
    Kingwood, Tx
    Can a LEO now use and point that particular weapon at a subject knowing it could go off at anytime? Just saying…ranges won’t allow them, ammo manufacturers will say don’t use our ammo…attorneys and the courts will make a real mess of this ruling.


    Madame Mayor's Fiefdom
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    Jul 27, 2008
    New Orleans, La.
    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Y'all gonna hate this, especially if you're a 2011 fan boy.

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