Morial Convention Center

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  • nolaradio

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    Sep 8, 2012
    Parts unknown
    I visited the Morial Convention Center this past Saturday & Sunday. No signage mentioning firearms on the doors I entered in by Halls H, I, & K. No signage inside that I could find either. No metal detectors, not bag searches.

    There is this that I found on their website:
    f) Per Louisiana law, only on-duty licensed law enforcement officers, recognized and approved in writing by NOPFMI’s Director of Public Safety, may carry firearms. Law enforcement officers are required for events that generate large amounts of cash. For such events, NOPFMI reserves the right to determine the minimum numbers of officers and assigned locations based on individual event requirements.

    ***EDIT*** as pointed out by @thperez1972 this rule is not for the general public. It's a rule for those renting the facility.

    I'm sure there are events held there that warrant metal detectors, searches, etc., but not this weekend.
    Hope this information is helpful.
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    Dec 28, 2015
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    That's under the "Security" section of the rules. Reading that rule in the context of security, it seems the rule covers people who are hired to perform security. You can't hire a private company that provides armed security. Only law enforcement can provide armed security. One or more detail officers are needed if the event generates a large amount of cash. And the facility can specify the minimum number of officers needed.

    As I read that rule, it doesn't cover an event attendee.


    Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
    Parts unknown
    That's under the "Security" section of the rules. Reading that rule in the context of security, it seems the rule covers people who are hired to perform security. You can't hire a private company that provides armed security. Only law enforcement can provide armed security. One or more detail officers are needed if the event generates a large amount of cash. And the facility can specify the minimum number of officers needed.

    As I read that rule, it doesn't cover an event attendee.
    Ahh... thank you for pointing that out to me. In my haste to find any rules pertaining to firearms, I didn't fully understand that the rules I linked to are the rules for those using (renting) the facilities.

    That's the only mention that I could find that dealt with firearms.

    I find it funny that recent news reports showed many French Quarter business owners placing "no firearms" signs in their doors, yet there were no signs at the convention center. Especially since the convention center was one of the areas the city wanted carved out of the new permitless carry law.

    2A Travel

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    Jul 6, 2024
    Ahh... thank you for pointing that out to me. In my haste to find any rules pertaining to firearms, I didn't fully understand that the rules I linked to are the rules for those using (renting) the facilities.

    That's the only mention that I could find that dealt with firearms.

    I find it funny that recent news reports showed many French Quarter business owners placing "no firearms" signs in their doors, yet there were no signs at the convention center. Especially since the convention center was one of the areas the city wanted carved out of the new permitless carry law.
    I'd venture a guess that the "news" might not be representative of the majority of business owners in NOLA.

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