Power to a GMRS radio

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  • Cajun Camper

    Well-Known Member
    Nov 9, 2012
    Lafayette, La.
    I wired my radio directly to the battery. All is well unless I turn the Jeep off before the radio. Everything electrical shuts down & won’t work until I remove the power wire from the positive post. Any ideas what is causing this? Thanks in advance. 2013 Wrangler JKU.


    Well-Known Member
    Premium Member
    Apr 15, 2009
    Just to clarify the positive feed for the radio is attached directly to the positive battery terminal? If so I have never seen this happen.
    This is a long shot but easy enough to try. Source the appropriate size diode and install in it the positive feed wire. The radio may have large capacitors in it which might feed back into the battery. With our computer laden vehicles strange things can happen.


    Well-Known Member
    Jul 28, 2008
    Walker, LA
    Maybe try moving it to the power lug on the distribution block where all your fuses are under the hood. There is likely protection to prevent damage to the computer when there are large swings in power. Also do you have a fuse inline with the power cable from the radio? If not id look into a good inline fuse holder to place as close to the power source as possible.

    Big H

    Well-Known Member
    Nov 3, 2010
    Lake Charles, La. 70607
    No idea why this happens but just hook it up to the accessory or extra connection on your fuse block---if hooked up this way everything goes off when you turn the vehicle off. This point of connection may not have a fuse in it---install the appropriate size fuse. Should work properly.
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