Red dot for pistol...

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  • Nomad.2nd

    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    Planning future projects...

    Ether a TC with a suppressor...

    Or a .22 pistol with suppressor (Or both)

    With a rail...

    What red dot that is NVG compatable (Or able to be turned low enough to be used with NVG's)

    As inexpensive as possible, but spending as much as necessary.

    Would just go H-1/T-1 aimpoint, but thinking there's something more compact out there.

    Think VERY 'nitch weapon'...

    What have you used/ liked?


    0-60 in 5.11
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    Jun 6, 2007
    Although I do not have NVG's I do have the T-1... It rocks. Maybe we can get McInfantry to shoot a pic of the NVG settings.


    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    Dunno know of anything more compact than the T-1 (or H-1; I never can remember which is which) that is NVG compatible.

    Dude, how compact do you want? That thing is pretty small.

    None of the holograph sights that I'w aware of are NVG enabled. I have three different ones.

    I think one of the Trijicon Reflex units is, but it won't be any smaller or lighter than the AimPoint.

    Set a non NVG compatable red dot low enough it works...

    I'll probably get the T/H-1 first for the Krinks...

    Just wheels turning....

    As small as possable, so that it could be holstered or broken down and concealed on the body...


    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    Then you want a J-Point or Doctor "melted" into the slide. You do Glocks, right? Check out the G34 with a melted Doctor on Bowie's site; or see that Kelly McCann video where he has one on a G19.

    I have given that a LOT of thought myself. My eyes are steadily deteriorating, and I can barely use regular sights for "combat" shooting. It won't be long before I'm guessing more than getting a sight picture.

    The problem with this is (as I see it), is once you do it, you cannot go back, as it were. Using the red dots on my bullseye pistols has already caused a slight degradation in my mental processes for sight alignment when using the "irons" on my P7 or USPc. Yeah, its in my head... but it IS there, nonetheless.

    But the improvement in my shooting with the red dots is nothing short of phenomenal. I can SEE **** again!

    To be honest, thanks for bringing this up. I've been toying with it for some time; now, I think, I need to get off my dead ass and act on it.

    Good. You do it first!:D

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