Skool me on the geo political situation

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  • themcfarland

    tactical hangover
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    Dec 6, 2008
    I have been seeing more and more posts about free Palestine.
    In my peabrain mind, I can't wrap my head around how anyone could side with Palestinians right now in terms of how hamas attacked Isreal.
    I'm not religious, I'm not one to subscribe to but God is on the side of the jews or whatever, but no one can deny that Israel should be able to keep another genocide from occurring. Will someone who can explain or teach this dumb coonass the perspectives please.


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    Jul 9, 2011
    From one coonass to another, I have no love for either side of that conflict nor do I want 1 single cent being directed to that area from this country.
    Side bar “F” Ukraine and Russia too. Everyone who is involved in sending $200M that way should hang.


    tactical hangover
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    Dec 6, 2008
    I think the Military industrial complex needed a war to keep Making money and the Ukraine mess is it. the states doesn't have the appetite for war right now .
    We also needed to test all the new gear on Russian tech


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    Jun 8, 2008
    New Orleans
    You don't have to be a dumb coonass to not understand the troubles in the area now called Palestine or Israel. The best geo-political minds of the last century haven't been able to fix it.

    The root of the problem is what Real Estate agents always say, "Location, location, location."

    That area is the crossroads or bridge between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Consequently, it has suffered for millennia by almost constant warfare as the Empires of the West march to conquer the lands of the East - or as the Empires of the East march to conquer the lands of the west, etc... The area also benefitted from its location during peaceful times, making money off of the land routes for trade.

    In ancient times (Biblical and pre-Biblical), some conquerors employed "forced migration" as a means of controlling the conquered peoples. They would mix up people from several different conquered areas and plant them together so that the defeated peoples would have a more difficult time organizing resistance, due to language and cultural differences. Over time, these peoples intermarried, causing many of them to be despised by those who had "remained pure" to their original nationalities. It's why the Jews of the Gospel did not like the Samaritans - the Samaritans were a mixture of Jews with other people who had been transplanted there by previous conquerors.

    The modern state of Israel is most assuredly not the exact same thing as the nation of Israel in the Bible, although it may contain descendants of many of the same people who once lived there. The modern nation was formed by United Nations agreements following WWII, as a sort of international assuagement of guilt for having turned a blind eye to the Nazi genocide of Jews. So, the people who possessed the land at that time became dispossessed of it much as so many had been in the past.

    And the cycle of warfare continues.


    tactical hangover
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    Dec 6, 2008
    Thank you for that.
    I can sort of understand the over the top aggressive response Israel has , I wish we did more of it in the states.
    What I don't understand is the actual free Palestine postings and such. I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't understand, just the one asking right now.
    I understand war and there are winners and losers, and usually the winners manage the narrative on how it went, but this is a proxy war and so much propaganda surrounding it .


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    I have been seeing more and more posts about free Palestine.
    In my peabrain mind, I can't wrap my head around how anyone could side with Palestinians right now in terms of how hamas attacked Isreal.
    I'm not religious, I'm not one to subscribe to but God is on the side of the jews or whatever, but no one can deny that Israel should be able to keep another genocide from occurring. Will someone who can explain or teach this dumb coonass the perspectives please.
    Like others have said, I couldn't really care less about either side here, but, there seems to be a history that continues to be covered up by the mainstream narrative in relation to the hoos in particular. The Muslims may not be innocent, but they always seem to take on the role of the scape goat, to further the agendas of certain entities.
    Take into consideration, a few pieces of history from not so long ago, in relative terms, such as, the Bolshevik revolution. Doesn't seem to get the attention it deserves, given the tens of millions of deceased as a result. Also consider that which has been denied but also proven to be true, hooish SS members in Ukraine, all the corruption that has led to the current situation and the current hooish regime. These people have proven themselves masters of playing victim, while simultaneously exerting their will upon the world.

    That said, here's an opinion that doesn't matter.

    The whole situation is a farce. The hoos let the bad guys, that they created and funded, through their heavily surveilled and guarded border, to go on a free for all killing spree, for quite a few hours unchecked, so that they could then claim that they have the right to invade the land where the bad guys hang out, take it for their own, and then send any remaining "refugees" (war crime victims) to the US and throughout the EU. Then, they will construct the third temple, to fulfill their delusional prophecy.

    After considering all of this, maybe consider that what you have been led to believe about the events of WW2, and the events that led to it, may also be a farce.

    I don't know, maybe, maybe not, but it sure walks like a duck.


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    Jun 8, 2008
    New Orleans
    One other thing worth mentioning....

    When you're dealing with a jihadist mentality, especially when there is some huge attack of some kind, look to Islamic history. They very much like to "reclaim" dates on which things did not go well for them in the past. October 7, the day of the Gaza attacks, is the date of the Battle of Lepanto, when a vastly outnumbered Christian navy soundly defeated the larger Islamic navy.

    You might recall September 11? On that date, the Islamic forces besieging Vienna were turned away in the Battle of Vienna. Again, a smaller Christian force devastated the invading Islamic force.

    If you are in an intelligence unit today, tasked with monitoring hostile, radical jihadism in any particular area, pay attention to the upcoming dates and to what things may have happened in Islamic history.


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    One other thing worth mentioning....

    When you're dealing with a jihadist mentality, especially when there is some huge attack of some kind, look to Islamic history. They very much like to "reclaim" dates on which things did not go well for them in the past. October 7, the day of the Gaza attacks, is the date of the Battle of Lepanto, when a vastly outnumbered Christian navy soundly defeated the larger Islamic navy.

    You might recall September 11? On that date, the Islamic forces besieging Vienna were turned away in the Battle of Vienna. Again, a smaller Christian force devastated the invading Islamic force.

    If you are in an intelligence unit today, tasked with monitoring hostile, radical jihadism in any particular area, pay attention to the upcoming dates and to what things may have happened in Islamic history.
    One thing to add.

    Those pesky jihadists are master pilots. Anything from paragliders to Boeing airliners. Give them something with wings, and they will fly it, and apparently fly them better than anyone, even the most experienced pilots with decades of training and actual flight experience.
    In fact, I'm not sure why we even bother with missiles or bombs. I mean, it's only logical to just arm our militaries with a bunch of jihadists with wings and unleash them on the enemy.

    sgt z

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    Mar 21, 2008
    Hammond, LA
    i'm not anti jew but if i say the jews are practicing genocide then i'm labeled anti jew. palistine is under a siege. the whole is being given food, water and medical rations far below normal sustanence. gaza is being held captive by isreal so that isreal can wholly eleminate homas. homas has done an act of terrorism on isreal but i have heard that isreal killed as many with friendly fire as homas. a total shitshow. isreal has the upper hand and needs nothing as far as i see it.
    vicksburg was under siege and have never forgotten it but that was another war.


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 22, 2012
    Walker, La
    i'm not anti jew

    The world might benefit from a few more desert Joe Pesci's

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