Trying out this suppressor cleaner

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  • SVT Bansheeman

    No more laughing dog
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    Jan 24, 2011
    Lockport, LA
    How many rounds of 22lr you guys are shooting before cleaning your suppressors? Awaiting my stamp for my first can and it will only be used for a 22lr. I've got a ultrasonic cleaner I plan to utilize.


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    May 26, 2024
    Interesting. I never really thought about cleaning my cans, well other then my Q Elcamino. But I clean the booster on my Osprey regularly and the quick connection of my Socoms. But how would you clean them. They are a sealed unit.


    Madame Mayor's Fiefdom
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    Jul 27, 2008
    New Orleans, La.
    How many rounds of 22lr you guys are shooting before cleaning your suppressors? Awaiting my stamp for my first can and it will only be used for a 22lr. I've got a ultrasonic cleaner I plan to utilize.
    Be sure your baffles aren't made of aluminum before cleaning in a sonic cleaner.

    Mine are. I soak my baffles in Kroil when I get home from the range, and leave them there until I'm ready to go to the range again.

    I also shoot CCI polymer coated Clean ammunition which eliminates lead build up, leaving only the carbon deposits to deal with.


    Well-Known Member
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    Aug 31, 2014
    New Orleans
    A pic of using the cleaner and manually scraping the carbon out of the baffles. Spent about an hour scraping all of the baffles


    So after this session I ran another 5-600 rounds through it. Then I had an idea. I put the baffles in a ziploc bag with the suppressor cleaner, and diluted it with some water. Put the bag in a sonic cleaner filled with water. Ran the cycle for 20 minutes. Lo and behold the baffles came out looking almost brand new. Picture coming out of the bath below.


    The stuff works awesome in the sonic cleaner.


    Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2017
    How many rounds of 22lr you guys are shooting before cleaning your suppressors? Awaiting my stamp for my first can and it will only be used for a 22lr. I've got a ultrasonic cleaner I plan to utilize.
    I usually do around every 500 rounds or two sessions. I mostly shoot lead round nose because they are the most accurate.

    Shooting CCI clean with the coated bullets can shoot a lot more before needing a cleaning. I use a sonic cleaner with diluted purple power.
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