Yum, yum, Red Neck Spam and Eggs.I’ve seen canned deer ground meat, mason jars …. In-laws in oaklahoma backwoods eat that a lot … doesn’t look to good lol
Yum, yum, Red Neck Spam and Eggs.I’ve seen canned deer ground meat, mason jars …. In-laws in oaklahoma backwoods eat that a lot … doesn’t look to good lol
LOL. I am canning deer meat....I’ve seen canned deer ground meat, mason jars …. In-laws in oaklahoma backwoods eat that a lot … doesn’t look to good lol
I've heard some say that BlackRock owns huge amounts of crypto, so a Trump win would suit those investments best.THings could get real bad if Trump wins. The left will revolt, states will not recognize Trump as president, Biden will not concede.
My safe is full but thinking about growing food on my property.
Regardless of any post election scenario, this would always be a valuable skill to harness. I know I'll eventually start once I own property.My safe is full but thinking about growing food on my property.
I been laughing all night at work about “Cackling Whore” I’ll bite my tongue if I ever call her anything else from now on! LMAO!BBB
You can't eat Gold and Silver, but during the last "Great Depression" people lost their property for taxes or the in ability to pay the mortgage. When the dollar becomes MORE WORTHLESS than it already is, gold and silver may save the farm.
Beans-Storage food is a must but keeping the food may require Bullets. Bullets themselves will be currency. Personally I don't like the idea of bartering "guns & ammo" that could be turned against me.
If you think you will hunt and fish to feed your family THINK AGAIN. Most game laws were instituted because of game being decimated during the Great Depression... (then we were a nation of 120 million, living on farms) today "We're Screwed"
Band-Aids , lay in all the medicine and healthcare supplies you think you'll need, then double it., ally yourself with your pets veterinarian. They will make a better SHTF people doctor, than people doctors.
Folks things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, if they get better at all in our lifetime. If the Cackling Whore is installed thru yet another voter fraud coup. This will be a multi-generational collapse.
When your hungry or horny looks don’t really matterI’ve seen canned deer ground meat, mason jars …. In-laws in oaklahoma backwoods eat that a lot … doesn’t look to good lol
Biden not runningTHings could get real bad if Trump wins. The left will revolt, states will not recognize Trump as president, Biden will not concede.
My safe is full but thinking about growing food on my property.
True but he is the president i think?Biden not running
Not if I get 8 year old jr. first lol , you know keyboard commando is fast lol … just a joke bro
Same can be said for if Kamala wins. It’s going to be bad regardless of the outcome.THings could get real bad if Trump wins. The left will revolt, states will not recognize Trump as president, Biden will not concede.
My safe is full but thinking about growing food on my property.
Good pointer! Things to remember in the future on looting trip, take out the kids first!!!I hear people say stuff like this all the time. I realize you’re joking, but good luck going into someone else’s home and taking anything by force. You might think you’re home free until 8 year old junior blows out your spine with his .410 from the closet.
Good pointer! Things to remember in the future on looting trip, take out the kids first!!!
I’m right there with you, I live in the country on acreage , and I got 3 little jr’s waiting on a fella like that also lolHa
I know you guys are just trying to be funny, but realize where we live and know that every time we have a bad storm or any type of unrest, another large number of non gun owners become gun owners. You’d die hungry. Catching someone on the road with a car full of groceries might work out for you, but we all know that trying to go loot someone’s home would get you and all your posse unalived in a minute. I know y’all have better sense.
I agree with everything except the carbon, the only carbon units they want to get rid of is us. carbon based units The carbon crisis is just a pretense to justify their actions.You guys are focused on items that may become scarce but will not likely stop coming into the supply system.
The biggest threats we are facing are coming from DC and every major city. China is the biggest threat, and thanks to the necons now Russia and BRICs nations. We have an untold number of paramilitary that have crossed the border in the last several years. We also have MNIC's that seem to want a global world order. They are buying up farmland, ammunition production, taking over school curriculum, and they own all the major media in the US. They are buying radio networks, small media, and even analyzing our fast food eating habits. Some of these groups, including our own senators have attended meetings where population control measures have been openly discussed. In 200 years the oxygen to carbon levels will make the atmosphere unbreathable on our current path. These people are planning on culling populations openly. We just had an experimental vaccine forced upon us for a virus that had .0051% morbidity, which is showing increased comorbidity, infertility, and cancer at alarming rates in vaccinated populations.
They are aggressively censoring any form of private communications. We are worried about fighting out neighbors for food, but in reality we will be fighting a global axis of modern militaries that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. Technology will be key and the ability to use it against advanced drone platforms. But we will need to root out the enemy among us as they operate using guerrilla warfare from these sanctuary cities.
We will be facing highly organized and technical enemies, they already have apps to communicate and are willing to take what you have by any means. We have reached the point where we need to start coordinating and training with our military, sheriff, form highly regulated militias and we are here thinking that isolating with our stockpiles will work? We are in an absolute state of denial to what threats we face in the not too distant future. Things are about to get very hard if we continue on the current path, and sadly I do not see our state senators doing anything different, other than falling in line, digging the ditch deeper.