where has all the mil surp gone?

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  • 2aadvocate19

    Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2021
    Lake Charles, LA
    don't see many ads on here anymore for military surplus rifles and pistols. I guess it the end of an era. got the bug for a new toy and jist not finding anything these days.


    Expert in the field of wife avoidance
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    May 9, 2011
    Baton Rouge, LA
    I remember reading a while back that a seriously large amount of WW2 era arms were shipped back from South Korea to USA, and those were eventually deemed worthy of the CMP program. Or something like that, I expect to be corrected. I don't think there is much left in the world, and they will never 'milsurp' the current arms, so yeah, supply will die out eventually through attrition. Collectors, of which I am not, will have a good run as long as people are interested in these historical arms.

    And I really do love to look at those posts. I understand the interest completely, I just don't want to finance it.


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    Oct 23, 2010
    Baton Rouge
    I was at CMP a few months ago and got to see a Garand that was recovered in Afghanistan. Still covered in desert dust. CMP is probably the biggest milsurp source left. Royal Tiger Imports has some stuff and you'll see a few K31's and Swiss Lugers coming in in small batches through different folks. After that it's one popping up here and there. Gunbroker seems to be the only place to find a specific milsurp, but the days of cheap are over in my opinion.

    sgt z

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    Mar 21, 2008
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    I heard some surplus stuff is coming from Africa but until then let me know what you're looking for. There is surplus available but the law of supply and demand sets prices. Toks, CZs, and maybe some obsolete or hard to find calibers cost the least.


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    Mar 4, 2021
    Lake Charles, LA
    I heard some surplus stuff is coming from Africa but until then let me know what you're looking for. There is surplus available but the law of supply and demand sets prices. Toks, CZs, and maybe some obsolete or hard to find calibers cost the least.
    looking for german or us. I have some Czech and Swiss. also English. when I got into collecting military rifles and pistols, most of the german and American stuff was out of my price range. but as I've gotten older amd more financially stable I've been looking. trying not to go thru gunbroker.


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    May 25, 2022
    I was at CMP a few months ago and got to see a Garand that was recovered in Afghanistan. Still covered in desert dust. CMP is probably the biggest milsurp source left. Royal Tiger Imports has some stuff and you'll see a few K31's and Swiss Lugers coming in in small batches through different folks. After that it's one popping up here and there. Gunbroker seems to be the only place to find a specific milsurp, but the days of cheap are over in my opinion.
    K31 keep going back and forth. If anyone looking for swiss rifles https://simpsonltd.com/lugers/ from last near two years probably the best place. Prices vary on it but swiss relatively cheap and individual comments on every rifle. No paying 50 bucks for hand select and still gamble. They list every. Single rifle

    (I'm still bitter about aim/centerfire. Pretty sure I bought last one and choose hand select)

    sgt z

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    Mar 21, 2008
    Hammond, LA
    The rifles from the Phillipines took a lot of work to fix up. Those imports had rust and termites. I think it was Norway that said they were melting their lend leases into boat anchors. I suspect any guns from Africa are probably worn out.


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    Oct 14, 2020
    Harvey Louisiana
    I don’t think anyone has missed the same 6 adds you’ve been bumping every morning for the last month now lol. Maybe they did though having to scroll through 20+ bump’s. You know you can delete the older bumps right that way when someone clicks on your add they don’t have to scroll through 2-3 pages of bumps just to find what you’re selling? Just some friendly advice.
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    Feb 14, 2010
    While I was at kalash bash this year I spent a few hours talking to the owners of Riley defense and M+M industries. Both of them are importers, and perhaps you could call/message and ask if they had anything, low volume, just sitting around. Same with Sarco, maybe numrich, and i am sure there are other importers like Bowman industries.

    I mainly buy parts, not usually looking for complete guns, but most of the importers get both. You can also go to fal files, and ak files, and all of the other forums that have marketplaces. Lots of cool stuff runs through those sites, especially ak files.


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    May 18, 2024
    don't see many ads on here anymore for military surplus rifles and pistols. I guess it the end of an era. got the bug for a new toy and jist not finding anything these days.
    Have you ever checked out empire arms ?

    Probably not quite what you were talking about though...it's usually all a little higher tier than you would find at the usual suspects... Definitely not $80 sks'

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