Random Self Defense Hypothetical

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  • SpeedRacer

    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 23, 2007
    Mandeville, LA
    So let's say you're standing in line at the store, or at an ATM, or whatever. Some thug behind you notices your concealed (or open carry) firearm. Next thing you know, you feel a hand grabbing at your pistol. How does this situation play out?

    What if you manage to react fast enough to prevent the thug from grabbing your gun, spin around and take a couple steps back, hand on your weapon. Now he's just standing there looking at you dumb. 3 seconds ago your life was in danger...now there's just an unarmed guy no longer posing a threat. You obviously can't shoot...do you draw on him and hold him there while calling the police? How do you prove he went for your gun, and what crime did he commit?

    Or...what if it turns into a real struggle? The two of you are now fighting for the gun in your holster. Could you pull out a BUG or knife and use deadly force? Seems like that could get messy in court...



    Yellow Boxes? Sweet!
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    Dec 16, 2008
    Youngsville, LA
    In the first situation, I couldn't really tell you....

    I know that in the second situation, in an active struggle for my weapon, I wouldn't be thinking about court. I'd do whatever was necessary to keep the guy off of me and away from my gun.


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    Sep 18, 2006
    Not to think too far outside the box on this one, but most stores and ATMs have cameras... probably got him on camera doing whatever. Take care of yourself and do what is necessary to prevent loss of life or bodily harm.


    ® ™
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    Sep 4, 2008
    Lake Charles
    You obviously can't shoot...do you draw on him and hold him there while calling the police?

    How do you prove he went for your gun, and what crime did he commit?

    The two of you are now fighting for the gun in your holster.

    1: If the BG went for your piece and you broke free, took some steps back and now have several steps between you and him. IMO You Draw, and order him to Get Down on the ground etc.etc. Don't threaten to shoot him, you already have your gun drawn, if he hasn't figured that much out, we'll then we won't go there tonight. If he runs, he runs, oh we'll see ya. Threat removed. If he listens, even better. Cops will arrest him. If he charges you, then he has shown that he is willing to cause you death or serious bodily harm AGAIN no matter what equaling a Bad Day for both of you.

    2: Camera

    3: Then you are fighting for your life. If it stays on the ground and you cannot get up you might have to shoot him to get him off of you. If you do separate, Things change and I would follow the steps I metioned above.

    I do enjoy these TDG's but I would like to remind everyone that in real life when it comes to acting with deadly force, If you have had a little bit of training, you will revert to your training. it might look sloppy but your SOP's will come to light. Lot's of people think they know what they will do when something like this will happen and maybe they might, but one things for sure. When it comes time to really fight for your life, you will not fail, you will do whatever is necessary to sustain your life against the one trying to take it. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to train though. Training on the fundamentals and refining SOP’s increase Muscle memory which increases your ability to do all of the above faster and in more control.


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    Oct 22, 2008
    New Orleans, LA
    What would stop the dude from just running away, never to be seen again? Would you be justified in drawing and holding him at gunpoint until the cops arrive?

    Absolutely, he assualted you and went for your weapon. If I were in uniform, he would most likely be shot. That is considerd a deadly force situation all things being equal.


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    Apr 28, 2009
    Make sure you have a 55 gallon drum and some bags of cement on hand, and you can do whatever fits your fancy.

    posse comatosis

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    Sep 15, 2008
    Bayou Perdition
    It is a given in a court of law that someone attempting a gun grab intends to do you harm. You can virtually do anything to the grabber you have to do to stop the grab. There are advantages in such immediate situations to fixed blade knives.


    Well-Known Member
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    Jan 21, 2009
    Baton Rouge, LA
    It is a given in a court of law that someone attempting a gun grab intends to do you harm. You can virtually do anything to the grabber you have to do to stop the grab. There are advantages in such immediate situations to fixed blade knives.

    Which are illegal to conceal in the state of Louisiana... Correct?


    ® ™
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    Sep 4, 2008
    Lake Charles
    It is a given in a court of law that someone attempting a gun grab intends to do you harm. You can virtually do anything to the grabber you have to do to stop the grab. There are advantages in such immediate situations to fixed blade knives.

    Maybe, BUT ONCE YOU SEPERATE from eachother in the tussle, things change.

    You can't just seperate, be 10 feet away from eachother, draw your piece and kill him.

    Which is why I gave my advice. "IF" you seperate, Draw and Command. If he flees, Great, If he listens Great, if he Charges you defend yourself.


    Smart @$$ Extraordinaire
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    Mar 4, 2009
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Fixed Blade Knives
    Which are illegal to conceal in the state of Louisiana... Correct?

    Is this true? I don't plan on carrying my 8 inch buck, but my wife has a small, full tang, fixed blade knife that has a sheath that hangs off of a chain, for wearing under a shirt. The handle hangs down on it so she can reach under her shirt and pull it out quite quickly. Aside from any tactical advantages/disadvantages, Is this legal for her to carry? The blade is 4" long, the knife itself is 8".


    Slave to Society
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    Jun 30, 2009
    He goes for the gun, I twist away and draw, or repel him physically and draw. Once your hand goes for the free draw he'd better freeze, get down, or turn and run. Once the hand comes up with the weapon he'd better be tailing it. If he makes any threatening motion, including coming forward just 1 inch, I would consider it a threat.

    If it's on the ground and he's on top of you, I'd shoot him.
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