Appleseed Rifle?

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  • LACamper

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    Jun 3, 2007
    Metairie, LA
    Any bolt gun. Lee Enfields. Moison's are probably the cheapest. Appleseed is about accuracy, not speed. SKS if you need a semiauto.


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    Jun 3, 2007
    Metairie, LA
    I thought you wanted cheap. Some of those surplus rifles are every bit as good as today's guns and a quarter the price. My Moison was in almost brand new condition and they sell for under $100. Lee Enfield's are under $300 for a #4, less for a #1. Those are good, solid guns. I've always liked Enfield for a few reasons: 10 round mags (you can't find that on a bolt gun today without spending $1K+), the action is incredibly smooth, the trigger is acceptable, but mainly for the speed. With speed loaders you can almost keep up ON AIMED FIRE with a semiauto. The British standard in WWII was 30 aimed rounds in a minute, counting reloads.
    Any hunting rifle. According to Fred (the stockmaker that pushes the appleseed project), the perfect rifle is an M14, then an M1 Garand, then any other full sized fast shooting rifle. You're looking for a gun with decent accuracy that can handle surplus ammunition. Not a target rifle because its too picky about the ammo. The goal is to train the shooter, not have the perfect the rifle. An AR, AK, or SKS would certainly work. So would a Savage or Remington bolt gun. What do you have already?
    When I read up on the appleseed they implied you could use just about anything. Even .22's.
    BTW, Fred's target and Appleseed info pack are well worth ordering.
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    Jun 3, 2007
    Metairie, LA
    Then I guess the next question is how much do you want to spend?
    Under $200, hit the pawn shops you might get lucky (seriously, I have). Other than that look for surplus/antique. Maybe a Marlin or Winchester lever action? Its actually not a bad choice if you can get past the 'its not tacticool' idea.
    $300 - $400 bolt guns. Look for a Savage or Remington 700. You'll see Rem 710's around, its not the same. 700's have potential. 710's you'll be selling in a few years to another newbie. Its not a bad gun though, its like buying a hyundai...
    SKS is also in that range. Not as much accuracy, but it is semiauto and its in 7.62 x 39... not a bad choice.
    Another choice is to check out the slAKers and see if a build party is coming up...


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    Feb 23, 2007
    Baton Rouge and Killian/Springfield
    I wish we could get norinco M14s :(

    I want a gun that i will spend years trying to get up to par with it. (i want it to be significantly more accurate then me, and upgradeable)

    I will probably get either a mosin or a 700/savage in .308/7.62x51

    Whats the "going price" for the 700's and savages in .308/7.62x51 ?


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    Sep 25, 2006
    Baton Rouge
    Join USPSA, then come shoot some pistol matches around the area. After you have enough matches, you will be eligible to order from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. You can get a decent M1 Garand for not a lot of money through them. Or, if you get lucky, maybe they'll get some more 1903s or 1903A3s in.


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    Feb 23, 2007
    Baton Rouge and Killian/Springfield
    Buying a USPSA pistol would be $400.. :/ ill stick to my tok for now.

    And i really cant see myself paying so much money for an 03a3 or a garand/M1 .30 carbine, kinda pricey.

    hmm if only the svt-40's were cheaper and available.. poor man's m1a ?


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    Sep 25, 2006
    Baton Rouge
    I was thinking you could use your CZ-52 in Production class. But, if the CMP prices are still too high for you, then scratch that idea.


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    Jun 3, 2007
    Metairie, LA
    I think you'd have caliber issues w/ the cz-52. I think some ranges would be concerned about their steel plates! They sometimes post a 9mm minimium. I've shot 9mm in some of those matches and not knocked plates down with solid hits.
    I shot against a guy with a 9mm tokarev once...


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    Feb 23, 2007
    Baton Rouge and Killian/Springfield
    I love the SKS itself, but i hate 7.62x39 lol

    I been looking at saiga .308s but they are expensive as hell. :/

    Why cant a company produce a 300 dollar semi automatic mag fed rifle, that can accept upgrades and available in multiple calibers?
    Would sell like a krispy kreme next to BRPD :D


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    Feb 23, 2007
    Baton Rouge and Killian/Springfield
    I love the SKS itself, but i hate 7.62x39 lol

    I been looking at saiga .308s but they are expensive as hell. :/

    Why cant a company produce a 300 dollar semi automatic mag fed rifle, that can accept upgrades and available in multiple calibers?
    Would sell like a krispy kreme next to BRPD :D

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