free bipod and a rust question

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  • spanky

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    Sep 12, 2006
    Gonzales, LA
    1) several years ago a friend gave me a folding stock for a 10/22 and it had a bipod on it. i had no use for it at the time so i threw it in the closet at the inlaws house and forgot about it. i found it today and put it on my 110E for shits and giggles. i will, however, put it on the 93R17 that i'm buying once it comes in :cool:

    2) also, several years ago, i purchased a savage mark II .22 bolt gun from walmart. it sat for several years, sometimes outdoors for days at a time so now it has some surface rust. what's the best way to get rid of this? none of it seems to be past the surface so i think it's okay but i'd still like to clean it up.

    :rofl: i just realized after the 93r17 comes in ill own 3 savage bolt rifles :o i need some variety. next is a 10/22 or ar. :o

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