Couldn't jail him so now those loser dirtbags are trying to assassinate him!

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  • Magdump

    Don’t troll me bro!
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    Dec 31, 2013
    Hammond, Louisiana
    It was confirmed by multiple agencies that the shooter fired 8 shots.
    Oh wow. Confirmed, huh? Multiple agencies? I wonder how many agencies were there?
    At this point, I don’t trust the agency that was in charge enough to accept their confirmation. In fact, I don’t trust any government agency and I think anyone who does is very foolish.
    I did see some isolated audio taken from video at the scene that doesn’t line up with the one shooter theory. Three controlled shots with a unique sound signature, followed by a more rapid succession of five shots sounding completely different.

    I’m sorry, but I can’t buy the narrative guys. I hate to keep voicing my disbelief, but it’s just so difficult to swallow some of these points without also coming to the conclusion that the US Secret service has become completely incompetent. How embarrassing for the agency and our nation that a lone gunman waltzed around for hours under their noses at BB gun range, ran and crawled around on a rooftop right in front of their faces and was able to get off 8 shots at the one person they were “protecting” before they decided he was an actual threat.
    I also don’t believe that jet fuel took out two sky scrapers and another building, I don’t believe that Jeffery Epstein killed himself. I don’t believe in Santa Clause, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy.


    1911 cool-aid drinker
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    Jun 8, 2008
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    I saw a video from on top of the roof where one guy asks if all the brass is accounted for, he said yes, 5, it plays a little longer then jump cuts 12 minutes, again the question about all the brass, yes all 8! lol


    Don’t troll me bro!
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    Dec 31, 2013
    Hammond, Louisiana
    Dang it Magdump, now you have gone too far.
    LMAO! I’ll say this, the folks who scream, “anyone but Trump” are in the same category as “never conspiracy” folks as far as I’m concerned. On that note, I don’t find it too far fetched for a certain faction of our country’s elites and government officials to be complicit in an assassination attempt (or the planning thereof) with everything else that they’ve openly done to Donald J Trump.


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    Dec 28, 2015
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Oh wow. Confirmed, huh? Multiple agencies? I wonder how many agencies were there?
    At this point, I don’t trust the agency that was in charge enough to accept their confirmation. In fact, I don’t trust any government agency and I think anyone who does is very foolish. don't have to believe anything. But if you believe the answer is anything other than 8 simply because the government said the answer is 8, then you're allowing yourself to be controlled by the government.

    I did see some isolated audio taken from video at the scene that doesn’t line up with the one shooter theory. Three controlled shots with a unique sound signature, followed by a more rapid succession of five shots sounding completely different.

    You've either been listening to the wrong audio or you're hearing what you want to hear. Here's some audio taken by a guy that was pretty close to the shooter. It's clear the 8 shots are from the same weapon.

    I’m sorry, but I can’t buy the narrative guys. I hate to keep voicing my disbelief, but it’s just so difficult to swallow some of these points without also coming to the conclusion that the US Secret service has become completely incompetent. How embarrassing for the agency and our nation that a lone gunman waltzed around for hours under their noses at BB gun range, ran and crawled around on a rooftop right in front of their faces and was able to get off 8 shots at the one person they were “protecting” before they decided he was an actual threat.
    I also don’t believe that jet fuel took out two sky scrapers and another building, I don’t believe that Jeffery Epstein killed himself. I don’t believe in Santa Clause, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy.


    Don’t troll me bro!
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    Dec 31, 2013
    Hammond, Louisiana don't have to believe anything. But if you believe the answer is anything other than 8 simply because the government said the answer is 8, then you're allowing yourself to be controlled by the government.
    LMAO! What a ridiculous statement. You used to try harder. I’m disappointed, but it was good for a laugh.
    We are all controlled by the government to a measurable extent, regardless of what we think we’re allowing. My beliefs do not have anything to do with that. I don’t believe what the government says because of their very strong history of deceit. The government lies to the people every single day of the year.
    The only part you got right is I don’t have to believe, albeit out of context.


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    Mar 5, 2011
    Pray for Donald J. Trump!
    Pray for America!
    Definitely an inside conspiracy to assassinate President Trump. There's too many statistically improbable variables linking Crook's to the FBI and USSS. The USSS tops up to Garland and Mayorkas were setting up an environment rife for an assassination. After witnessing the past 12 years or so of fake DNC led abuses of the DOJ, I suspect the worst.


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    Sep 13, 2006

    Feelings of inadequacy stemming from your inability to control your immediate universe are completely normal. You don't need to latch on to conspiracy theories to regain your control but acknowledge that sometimes "shi*t happens" and people do awful things for stupid reasons all the time. Tying your conspiratorial, self-reflecting baggage to those actions doesn't make them better. Talk to a professional. These thoughts could be an indicator of other mental health issues.


    Time Traveler
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    Feb 18, 2013
    Jefferson Parish
    Feelings of inadequacy stemming from your inability to control your immediate universe are completely normal. You don't need to latch on to conspiracy theories to regain your control but acknowledge that sometimes "shi*t happens" and people do awful things for stupid reasons all the time. Tying your conspiratorial, self-reflecting baggage to those actions doesn't make them better. Talk to a professional. These thoughts could be an indicator of other mental health issues.

    Virology experts contacted by Fauci suddenly changed their minds and conceded that the virus most likely originated from a natural host. These possible hosts included a pangolin or a racoon dog or some other exotic creature sold in Wuhan’s notorious "wet market'.

    Virology experts think the thoughts that government tells them to think.

    Virology experts need to talk to a professional because thinking on their own could be an indicator of mental health issues.
    Last edited:


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    Dec 28, 2015
    Baton Rouge, LA
    I know this thread doesn't get a lot of new posts but I ran across some bodycam video I have not seen before. The guy who posted this bodycam video also posted a lot of other bodycam videos as well. Here's the raw footage.

    Here's some commentary of the footage.



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    Dec 28, 2015
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    And some more anyone even paying attention to this stuff anymore?

    And with commentary. I don't subscribe to this guy and can't speak to his accuracy. His videos pop up in my feed, probably because I watch his stuff. He seems pretty good about putting out new footage as he finds them.


    Abby Normal

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    Apr 16, 2014
    Good info but I could do without the fashion commentary. There needs to be a massive investigation that is open to the pubic instead of a close door investigation that just leads to conspiracy theories.
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