Found My G1 Kit!!!

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  • kajuntriton

    Rating - 100%
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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville
    Well I finally found an EXCELLENT shape G1 FAL kit! This one is BAD ASS!

    Receiver on the way be a JAM UP BAD BOY in a few weeks.....PICS to FOLLOW!!

    I am like a kid in candy store!! GIDDY!!! ;) :mamoru::D



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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville
    Wern't some of them made with a shiny round bolt handle?

    Yes Nomad, this will have that handle, some reason this guy had the knob parked. I have the shiny one here waiting on the kit to arrive.

    F350drvr, they are around you just have to dig to find the good ones, G1's are just about the hardest to find, these were used and used hard, most barrels are wore slap out! This one is a 9 on a 1-10 scale! Depends on the type kit you are after they are out there and MOST are MUCH cheaper than this one! This one kicked my ARSE! But it was something I have been on a quest for, for quite awhile! It will have to have some muzzle work done to put the original flash hider back on it, but that is cheap compared to the rest!


    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    LOL, fine. Only bad part is it's built ona Hess... (I got it AGES ago... with a bunch of other stuff)

    But for what I paid...

    Now I need to decide wether to disasemble it and rebuild it or not.

    The reciever works, but I'd bet I'd have a hard time selling it.


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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville
    You also need to get rid of the STG buttstock and put a G1 stock back on it ;) Man you also have to get rid of that gawd aweful scope mount rail! Not bad looking riFAL, and yes get you a G1 receiver (good luck DSA won't budge although they say they are almost ready to ship, I had to order a type I but thats cool! I can handle that!!!
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    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    You also need to get rid of the STG buttstock and put a G1 stock back on it ;) Not bad looking riFAL, and yes get you a G1 receiver (good luck DSA won't budge although they say they are almost ready to ship, I had to order a type I but thats cool! I can handle that!!!

    I got a couple DSA G1 or Type 1 recievers (I forget) and several Wooden Buttstocks...
    One or 2 of them might be a G1...

    Will haveto check the parts boxes.

    ETA: I've got the original topcover, that's how it came.

    I bought it, shot it and stashed it... Probably 2003ish...
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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville
    Tulse Luper, ask Nomad, ask ANYONE that has started with the riFAL's they are very addictive! Now I have warned you and anyone that thinks they want to venture off into the world of FAL's!


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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville

    Im waiting for my coonan receiver to build my first fal.

    Ryan, I got on the list for the connan seconds, not sure if I will ever use it, I am not a big fan of the type 3's or the imbels gear logo's BUT that is just a prefrence, it about the looks NOT the quality by any means I do have one riFAL built on a Coonan type I, and a few on the DSA type II's this G1 will be on a DSA type I only because they aren't making the G1 receivers at this time, it may get switched in the future!
    I have a few STG's that will be built on type II's!


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    May 2, 2009
    BR, G-Town, P-Ville
    Tulse Luper, sorry I don't do build parties :(
    I have a special FAL smith that all my riFAL's go to, nothing against local guys that build them it just that I would rather use a true FAL smith! It's worth the couple extra dollars to me.


    Well-Known Member
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    Dec 9, 2007
    Baton Rouge... Mostly
    Tulse Luper, sorry I don't do build parties :(
    I have a special FAL smith that all my riFAL's go to, nothing against local guys that build them it just that I would rather use a true FAL smith! It's worth the couple extra dollars to me.

    Weak Bitch!;)

    Sadly I have a PILE of Recievers/kits which would NOT line up the threads with revievers/gas systems.

    Having a couple thousands cut off the barrels by a Smith and this summer a buddy of mine and I will be having a Pvt build-a-thon...

    It's really not much different from putting together an AR.???
    (Which I HATE doing... but b/c of all the tiny dammed springs)


    Go away,Batin...
    Rating - 100%
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    Apr 10, 2008
    Weak Bitch!;)

    Sadly I have a PILE of Recievers/kits which would NOT line up the threads with revievers/gas systems.

    Having a couple thousands cut off the barrels by a Smith and this summer a buddy of mine and I will be having a Pvt build-a-thon...

    It's really not much different from putting together an AR.???
    (Which I HATE doing... but b/c of all the tiny dammed springs)

    If you want to do some horse tradin for kits and recievers for some assembly let me know. I have all the tools and a small lathe that I can shave barrel shoulders on.

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