FS Sig P6 (P225) 2 magazines with Extras - SOLD

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    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2008
    Baton Rouge
    I have a Sig P6 that I am selling. $480.00 , now $450.00 which includes the pistol, 2 magazines (orig P6 mags), and Sig blue box. It has had the Sig Service Plan performed which includes SigLite Night Sites. Service plan was performed in September of 08.

    This is a wonderful pistol, shoots well and is very accurate. I have no issues with it. I am selling to fund another purchase.

    J & G has these for sale not with one magazine for $350.00 + $22 shipping
    This pistol has had the Sig Service Plan – They detail strip the entire firearm, Ultrasonic clean and inspect critical components, replace most commonly worn springs, lubricate and function test assuring combat readiness. We will also install new SigLite night sights! $129.95* (excludes P230/232 and older P220 models w/fixed front sight).

    Also, the slide has been reblued by Sig, value of 100.00

    This was my carry pistol until I committed to by a Sig 220

    Pistol 350 + 130 (sig svc.) + 100 ( reblue) + 40 (extra magazine) = 620.00 value, not including tax or ship.



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    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2008
    Baton Rouge
    EJA you figured it out. I have personally fired it <100 rounds. It is in excellent condition and have not had any trouble with it. Only reason for selling is to buy a 220 so I can standardize in 45 cal.


    Crybaby Hater...
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    Jun 27, 2007
    Prairieville, La
    You must be in BR. How many rounds down the pipe?

    EJA you figured it out. I have personally fired it <100 rounds. It is in excellent condition and have not had any trouble with it. Only reason for selling is to buy a 220 so I can standardize in 45 cal.

    if one buys this, do they need to go thru a FFL? I thought you lived in Natchez, ms? That "general" location you put also includes Ms. Might want to be more specific to keep the confusion down...


    Well-Known Member
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    Mar 14, 2009
    Baton Rouge
    if one buys this, do they need to go thru a FFL? I thought you lived in Natchez, ms? That "general" location you put also includes Ms. Might want to be more specific to keep the confusion down...

    I talked to him via PM last month and he lives in Baton Rouge. I couldn't figure out that location either.


    Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2010
    Metairie, LA
    Glock = most everyone I know uses them
    Sigs = Used by many salty dogs....but why ?

    Cause they too work, and work VERY well, and those I have had (including a Sig P6 that I had "stolen" by my wife as her carry piece) are EXTREMELY accurate guns. Sigs I have had vs Glocks I have had, well, I still have the Sigs.

    Not knocking Glocks, have had them and will probably have one again, but for pinpoint accuracy, well, that ain't their purpose. But for Sigs it is often a very pleasing side result.

    Just my .02, and these all W. German guns are VERY nice CCW's without breaking the bank.

    Good luck with your sale and btt for a SUPER carry gun imo and also a VERY good deal on same.


    Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2008
    Baton Rouge
    ttt and to clarify, I am in Baton Rouge. We can do a FTF or I can meet halfway (within reason) I have talked to a fellow member and I believe it is sold pending funds. If something changes I will update the listing.
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