Handloading Data for 50-70 Government

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  • Danny Ross

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    Aug 5, 2022
    Bush, LA
    Handloading Data from Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook 3d Edition 50-70 Government

    Lyman #515139 334 grain 2.125 OAL

    Powder Suggested startinggrains Velocity Maximum grains Velocity

    Unique 11.3 1114 15.5 1300

    630 18.0 1154 24.4 1465

    SR-4759 21.0 1177 27.5 1461

    IMR-4227 21.0 1109 29.0 1464

    IMR-4198 26.5 1179 34.5 1471

    IMR-3031 36.0 818 44.0 1181

    Ffg 50.0 1113 70.0 1318

    Pyrodex CTG 38.0 1072 52.5 1370

    Lyman #515141 422 grain 2.132 OAL

    Powder Suggested startinggrains Velocity Maximum grains Velocity

    Unique 11.0 1103 14.8 1211

    630 18.3 1154 22.7 1306

    SR-4759 22.0 1114 26.5 1114

    IMR-4227 22.0 1102 27.3 1333

    IMR-4198 25.5 1129 30.0 1304

    Ffg 43.0 1113 55.0 1318

    Pyrodex CTG 37.0 10737 52.5 1252

    Lyman #515238 440 grain 2.133 OAL

    Powder Suggested startinggrains Velocity Maximum grains Velocity

    Unique 11.0 1006 14.5 1207

    630 18.5 1140 22.5 1318

    SR-4759 21.7 1177 26.0 1321

    IMR-4227 21.0 10 94 26.3 1326

    IMR-4198 26.0 1129 31.0 1304

    IMR-3031 33.0 1078 39.0 1292

    Ffg 48.0 1113 60.0 1318

    Pyrodex CTG 33.0 952 45.0 1170

    Lyman #515142 498 grain 2.223 OAL

    Powder Suggested startinggrains Velocity Maximum grains Velocity

    Unique 10.5 940 13.8 1114

    630 15.7 973 21.0 1218

    SR-4759 18.5 942 24.0 1215

    IMR-4227 19.0 950 29.0 1464

    IMR-4198 22.3 950 28.5 1188

    IMR-3031 27. 5 865 31.5 1005

    Ffg 43.0 913 55.0 1054

    Pyrodex CTG 32.0 892 42.8 1074

    Danny Ross

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    Aug 5, 2022
    Bush, LA
    What rifle do you have in 50-70?
    It is an original Navy Rolling Block that has had the barrel and fore stock shortened. The original front sight is missing. I have been shooting paper patched projectiles that I pour into my version of the Ideal Cylindrical Adjustable Mold

    Homemade version of Ideal Cylindrical Adjustable Mould

    I recently found a picture of an old Ideal mould in The Paper Jacket by Paul Matthews. Matthews also included a picture of his version:

    The projectiles I've mostly fired approximate the original 450 grain 50-70 projectile. Before paper patching they are .498, after about .512. So far I've used 13 grains of Unique - they shoot low with my front sight - and 30 grains of IMR-3031 - these shoot high. At 40 yards they both seem to print about 6" on center.

    I tried slugging the barrel by pounding .57" round balls in the muzzle, but the grooves and lands seem to be opposite each other so the results do not make any sense.

    I lubricate my projectiles with a mixture of bees wax, petroleum jelly and graphite, then push them through a sizer. They end up water proof, and when fired they polish the barrel. I may try loading them without running them through the sizer.


    Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2013
    Been to the castboolits site ?.. lots of info on 50-70

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